"Making socially conscious movies highlighting the injustice of Human Trafficking, child marriage, child labor and spiritual abuse, then directly aiding the survivors upon whom the films shed light"

Walk Of Fame

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

– Martin Luther King

See The Stars That Support Us

MoviesMakingADifference relies on our supporters to continually contribute to our fight against human trafficking, child slavery and sexual abuse. Below are some of the stars that have lead the way. Thank you all! We invite you to join our Walk of Fame!

Walk Of Fame

& Even More Ways To Get Involved


Just $23/month in ’23 will earn you a spot on our Walk of Fame! 

Moving our survivors from life’s darkest places to being self-reliant and confident members of society requires consistency.

Help us supply them with the tools and resources they need.  


A one-time donation of as little as $275 will earn you a spot on our Walk of Fame! Have more? Give more. 

Individual donations are vitally important in our fight to maintain support for our brave survivors.  We are so grateful for your help, and we welcome you to our family!


If you or someone you know wants to get involved on a business or corporate level, we have several options available including local and national sponsorships, corporate underwriting, and Hollywood producer opportunities!

Please get in touch if you’re interested in supporting MMAD!

Do You Want To Be An Executive Producer?

Connect with Alex in Business Development and receive your Corporate Area Password. Discover how you and your Corporation/Business can play a bigger role.



Mission: MakingADifference with socially conscious feature films highlighting the injustice of human trafficking, child marriage, child labor, coercion and spiritual abuse, then directly aiding the survivors upon whom the films shed light. We provide transportation, housing, educational services, legal services, work training, medical treatment, addiction treatment, women’s services, counselling, and a supportive community.

As of July 1, 2024, we have aided over 200 of these survivors of Human Trafficking, Child Labor, Child Marriage and/or Child
Slavery in the US and Canada. They are welcome to remain in touch with us on a regular basis with them and we will continue to
accompany them on their journey. They call us their MMAD Family.

“Cathedral Canyon”
“Cult Cartel”