Join us for our “Carmelita” at CAFE CENTRO event! See the invite for details!

"Making socially conscious movies highlighting the injustice of Human Trafficking, child marriage, child labor and spiritual abuse, then directly aiding the survivors upon whom the films shed light"

Support us by MakingADifference in the lives of over 200 survivors of Human Trafficking who we’ve aided because of supporters like you!

Upcoming Event!

Join us for our “Carmelita” at CAFE CENTRO event! See the invite for details!

The Basics

MoviesMakingADifference (MMAD) is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to reducing human trafficking in the U.S. Founded in 2014, we produce feature films based on true events to raise awareness of the issues happening right in our own backyard. We believe that by increasing awareness, we are “MakingADifference” and saving young men and women from the horrors of human trafficking. As of 2023, we have rescued over 200 survivors, giving them access to our support programs and welcoming them into our MMAD Family. Two of our survivors have become board members. All proceeds from our films go directly to aid survivors.


Just $23/month in ’23 will earn you a spot on our Walk of Fame! 

Moving our survivors from life’s darkest places to being self-reliant and confident members of society requires consistency. Help us supply them with the tools and resources they need.  


A one-time donation of as little as $275 will earn you a spot on our Walk of Fame! Have more? Give more. 

Individual donations are vitally important in our fight to maintain support for our brave survivors.  We are so grateful for your help, and we welcome you to our family!


If you or someone you know wants to get involved on a business or corporate level, we have several options available including local and national sponsorships, corporate underwriting, and Hollywood producer opportunities!

Please get in touch if you’re interested in supporting MMAD!

Beyond The Movies

MOST IMPORTANTLY:  Beyond raising awareness with our award-winning movies, we also do the difficult, hands-on work of extracting victims from these horrendous circumstances and supporting them throughout their journeys to becoming healthy, independent and strong.

  • Rescue
  • Financial Support
  • Basic Needs
  • Addiction 
  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Medical
  • Education
  • Child Care
  • Therapy
  • Ongoing Support 
  • Love

Words From Our Survivors

A Word From Our Founder

“I’ve seen first-hand the suffering and oppression involved in human trafficking and sex slavery. Although the subject matter is disturbing and unthinkable, I do believe we can make a difference, one person at a time. I’ve dedicated my life to helping those who don’t have a voice, and I’m asking you to join us in this fight.” 

– Diana Davis

The Art

MoviesMakingADifference has raised awareness by producing two award-winning feature films, with a third in pre-production. We have directly aided over 200 survivors of human trafficking.

Cathedral Canyon

CATHEDRAL CANYON: When a career criminal, Ryan McBride, (Winsor Harmon), happens by accident upon a young girl from a cult, Ruthie, (Noelle Wheeler), a chain of events is set in motion that will change things forever.  

Cult Cartel

CULT CARTEL: This is the story of a family living under the oppression of the FLDS Cult. Drawn from real events and filmed in the actual town and buildings where the events took place, Cult Cartel is authentic to it’s core.  

Carmelita (Production)

CARMELITA: This is a gut-wrenching screenplay which deals with the sex trafficking crisis we’re currently facing on our southern border. Please hit the button below to find out how you can contribute to the production of this important film.

Just 23 of the reasons to continue supporting us in ‘24.....

1. If you have seen the successful Netflix series ‘Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey’ you will have seen some of our survivors of the FLDS tyranny. 

You would have gotten to know Ruby, either from the show or attending our events. She was a 23yr old mom, who was raped and abused with little to no education or chance of freedom, escaped Colorado City, on the Utah-Arizona border, with her 6 children, all under the age of 8. Her rapist, and the childrens’ father, was her step-brother whom she had been forced to marry by Warren Jeffs, leader of the outlawed Fundamental Church of Latter Day Saints or FLDS. She made it all the way to Phoenix and was living on the floor of a trailer just big enough for the whole family. She found a job working alone on the night shift of a gas station. The gas station was in one of the worst parts of town but she took the job so she could watch her kids during the day. They were not enrolled in school as she didn’t know that school was allowed, as it hadn’t been in her town. Child Protective Services decided they should be returned to the father. Finally, she reached out to us at MMAD. We secured a townhouse in Scottsdale, we enrolled the children in school, arranged volunteers for childcare for those that were too young, furnished the home with donations and found her therapy. With this support in place, she successfully petitioned for custody of the children.

MMAD also arranged and sponsored Summer Camp including transportation for Ruby Jessop’s six children, so that she could continue to work through the summer. The family has gone from strength to strength. Without our wonderful donors, NONE of this could have happened.


2. Rescued Young Mom & her 7 yr old Son from Gang Members in TX.

We had known her since she had escaped the FLDS after years of sexual, physical and emotional abuse. We initially obtained pro bono legal aid for her and support until she was safe. We always remained in contact so she knew who to call when she and her son were kidnapped and held hostage for 18 months, being gang raped and tattooed to show who “owned” her. After code words and secret messages, Diana knew what to do as soon as she got the signal. She got them across the country as they escaped without shoes, let alone a toothbrush. A wonderful, safe and supportive home was found for them, the little boy enrolled in school and excelling and employment was also quickly found. Through the generosity of our Advisory Board, all basic needs including beautiful clothes and fabulous toys were provided. They are finally free, self-sufficient and navigating their lives for themselves.


3. Rescued a 19 yr old girl from Sex Traffickers She called from the streets of one of Phoenix’s most dangerous areas one night.

The girl did not want the police involved for reasons that soon became clear. In desperation, Diana raced down, finding the teen girl hiding between cars in a parking lot. Diana drove her away as her traffickers prowled the parking lot. MMAD got her medical care and shelter but it then transpired that she had a warrant for her arrest. As is so often the case, the traffickers had routinely forced her to hold their stolen credit cards and drugs as a way to ensure that she could not leave as only jail would await her. MMAD convinced the prosecution to drop all 11 felony charges which had her facing 13 years in prison for the credit cards, prostitution and drug possession. We got them to understand that she was a helpless victim of trafficking. We obtained a scholarship for her for six months of intensive residential treatment, four months IOP and then one month of intensive PTSD and Trauma therapy at UCF in Orlando. She is now happy, healthy, safe and well, studying for her GED in her own apartment with a full time job.


4. Rescued 18 year old mother and baby…….……. from Cane Beds, AZ, a remote desert ‘town’ with no infrastructure.

Just mobile homes and shacks. One of our helpers had gotten a phone to her which she hid when not communicating with us. Authorities had been alerted but they would call on her and report that everything seemed fine since the girl was afraid to talk in front of law enforcement. So six of us drove seven hours through the desert and waited until an agreed upon time. The 18 year old mother had been kept as a ‘sex slave’ for her brothers. The baby’s father, horrifically, was one of her own brothers. Donna, one of our amazing volunteers, housed them until we could find the proper residence for them in New Mexico. Donna traveled to New Mexico with the mom and baby. It has been a long, long journey but Mother and baby are doing much, much better now.


5. Rescued over the phone. After she received a call on iMessenger.

Diana pinpointed the location in North Carolina where a young woman had been held by sex traffickers for 9 months, being sold off the internet. Her captors were away from the house but she was in a bathroom being guarded by a woman. Diana found a close fast food restaurant, the nearest public space, and gave instructions to the victim who, in a moment of inspiration, hit the guard over the head with the shower curtain and ran. Diana alerted the restaurant to her impending arrival . She was barefooted, drugged and in panic mode. Diana had the restaurant manager call 911 who immediately got her to the hospital. The police were called, and before the traffickers had arrived back to their house of horror, they were apprehended. Diana testified remotely along with the young woman and the predators are now in prison.**************These are extraordinary stories but the initial rescues are sadly only a small part of the story. The real work is in the rebuilding of a shattered life. That is what MMAD does and it is our donors that make it possible. Young women now hear of us through word of mouth and contact us on Facebook Messenger. Once we gain their trust, we find out as much as we can regarding what they are experiencing and assess their level of present danger. If they need immediate assistance, we get law enforcement involved, arrange transportation to the nearest airport and fly them to our Safe House in FL. If they are not ready to make the break as the majority are not, we keep in touch with them daily until they not only gain the courage and confidence to make a strategic plan of how to exit most safely and quietly. Diana will then drive or fly to wherever they are, and escort them to our Florida Safe House or to a volunteer’s residence in Scottsdale, AZ if it is short term. Upon arrival at our Safe House, we give them food, clothing and all basic necessities. We assess their immediate needs and begin to put together a plan of action for support. Most of all we give them love and understanding. Now on with our list of 24 for 2024!


6. Working with the prosecution. This has been a key development! Slowly, the difference between recognizing who the victims are, and who the perpetrators are, is becoming apparent in the Justice system.

We have now saved 7 young people from prison through our MMAD program of guidance and support where we can prove there is another viable path for these victims outside of the prison system. (So much so, that we are now known as the ‘go-to’ team in the UT court system.)


7. Deterred Traffickers in Utah.

Sometimes our most powerful weapon is a simple business card. The local police, plus Polaris and Underground Railroad, (the two largest anti-trafficking organizations) could not help a 19 year old girl with sex traffickers at her door, since no crime had yet been committed. Against her at least. The traffickers had already forcefully ‘groomed’ two of her friends and found her contact information on one of their phones and also texts back and forth that showed she was aging out of the Foster Care system, one of the prime profiles that traffickers look for. The young woman had also had issues with drugs in the past, which marginalized her even more, but she had cleaned up and was now in an NA program. At one of her meetings, when people there share resources and assistance, someone had handed her Diana’s business card for MMAD. With the police no help that night, in a panic, she found the card and called Diana’s number, telling her that no-one would help her. Diana was on the other side of the country and the only thing she could think of was to tell the young woman to slide the MMAD business card under the door. Usually, traffickers will concentrate on the most vulnerable and isolated. Someone with an organization behind them is more trouble than they are worth. Diana told her to tell them that this advocacy anti-trafficking organization was helping her and on their way. It worked. They left. With her brave help, one of those predators is now in prison. MMAD is now helping this young woman move forward in her new life out of Foster Care.


8. Gift of Sight.

One of our young men had never been granted access to a doctor although he was legally blind. Through our donors we were able to get a special corrective contact lens made for him, enabling him to see properly for the first time.


9. Addiction Treatment ~ Faith Farm.

With our first young man paving the way six years ago, MMAD to date has helped 15 young men start on their path to a new life. Our first graduate completed the Faith Farm program in June 2016. After flourishing in sober living houses in which MMAD sponsors the first month. Most are now working in construction and handyman work and proudly supporting themselves.


10. Reading Program

One of the many young survivors of child labor with little to no schooling, our first scholarship recipient, has started on-line 1-on-1 reading classes at Love 2 Read and DePorres.


11. PAX Campus IOP.

We obtained scholarships for our young adults for Intensive Outpatient Programs while working and getting GEDs. 3 have completed their 4 month programs with accolades.


12. Young Women Enter Faith Farm and Phoenix Dream Center.

Young women are flown to either West Palm Beach, FL or Phoenix, AZ and are furnished with basic needs and admitted to the facilities for treatment and counseling.


13. GEDs.

We have enrolled 26 of our survivors in classes to prepare them for the GED exams, with 24 of the 26 passing the test. (We are working with the other two to help them pass next time!)


14. Resumes.

We help our young people create professional resumes and have found employment for numerous survivors after treatment.


15. Job Training.

Restaurant training was arranged for Ruby so that she could leave her dangerous job working overnight in the gas station. We then assisted in job placement at “The 5 & Diner” giving her just the self confidence that she needs. Ruby became Manager at The 5 & Diner!


16. New Business Owners.

One of our donors helped some of our young men to understand and develop a business plan. 3 of our young men have now launched their own businesses.


17. First Christmas.

Brought Christmas to Colorado City for the first time as it has been outlawed there for many decades. We gave Christmas trees to 40 mothers and provided gifts for hundreds of children. We also purchase and mail individual Christmas presents to over 60 of our MMAD youths, living around the States and Canada. Most are receiving presents for the first time in their lives.


18. Baseball League.

We secured a gifted young man, deprived of sports growing up in Colorado City, a position on a baseball league. It turns out he is an exceptional baseball player and became team captain.

19. Transportation.

We find Mechanics around the country to fix cars for our MMAD Family members for the cost of parts and a tax write off in order for them to get to school and work. In many areas there is no public transportation or even Uber or Lyft. We have purchased and have had vehicles donated for our survivors in order for them to be able to get to work, school and/or therapy.

20. Daily Phone Calls.

Continually taking phone calls from young survivors or their mothers and/or fathers in need of advice, guidance and/or support.

21. United Families.

After many families were torn apart and separated under the rule of Warren Jeffs, we help contact loved ones and reunite them.

22. Edwige Gilbert Counseling and Book.

The wonderful author, Edwige Gilbert, has been counseling our MMAD “Kids” around the country via Zoom. This incredible need inspired her to put her Tool Kit into a book dedicated to MMAD and with all proceeds going to our charity!

23. Welcoming Heroic Survivors.

Our amazing board member, Susan Larson, welcomed one of our courageous survivors into her own home after Susan’s husband had just passed when she heard that one of our heroic longterm women who had already faced and overcome such unthinkable hardships, was going to be living in a shelter while saving for an apartment with her paychecks at her new bank job. With the support of Susan, she has now moved into her own place! Survivors Now Joining Us! (But this is THERE accomplishment, not ours!) Survivors who have turned their lives around and are now leading successful lives are calling us, stating that they wish they had had an organization such as ours to help in their healing. They would like to be part of ours to help others who are struggling with the same challenges they faced. And most proudly we announce that one of our original MMAD men has joined our Board of Directors. Nephi Hammon has overcome terrible circumstances and struggles such as many of us would not care to even imagine. Because of his incredible strength and heart (and a little love and support from MMAD) he now has an executive position at a large construction company and has been clean and sober for many years. He also just celebrated his year anniversary with his beautiful wife, the magnificent Kaitlyn. I was so honored to attend their wedding in UT. Nephi and Kaitlyn have found dental services for many of our MMAD survivors in UT. Often it is their first time seeing a dentist. Nephi also speaks at church groups, addiction clinics and meetings and of course as a spokesperson for us and our go-to guy to assess our newcomers out west. None of these stories happen without a lot of help. If you would like more info on how to get involved, please contact:

Diana Davis at [email protected]

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Mission: MakingADifference with socially conscious feature films highlighting the injustice of human trafficking, child marriage, child labor, coercion and spiritual abuse, then directly aiding the survivors upon whom the films shed light. We provide transportation, housing, educational services, legal services, work training, medical treatment, addiction treatment, women’s services, counselling, and a supportive community.

As of July 1, 2024, we have aided over 200 of these survivors of Human Trafficking, Child Labor, Child Marriage and/or Child
Slavery in the US and Canada. They are welcome to remain in touch with us on a regular basis with them and we will continue to
accompany them on their journey. They call us their MMAD Family.

“Cathedral Canyon”
“Cult Cartel”